Although this is contrary to traditional wisdom, I am firmly opposed to the idea that it is always better to sleep with someone you love. From my point of view, have intimacy is a pleasant activity that you can do it with like minded people in a different form. After all these years with a dedicated, loyal partner, they usually know at least four to six things you really like to do.
Having date with the same person, you now have a small deadlock with him, who will call the landlord because of water stains on the kitchen ceiling, which can also be a rote memorization, and casual hookup cannot. Of course, friends with benefits dating can be damaged by its freshness or occasional lack of intimacy that we all have unattractive secret benefits stories. Whereas casual dating brings novelty. It's like staying in a hotel is fun, even if you don't want to live there, it's inherently hookup with a new person.
Be prepared for the casual hookup
If you're looking for a NSA hookup or FWB dating in the market, be sure to assume that the two of you will come home at night. Although you will move to other places from time to time, you should express your casualness through your attitude, not the cleanliness of your apartment, so it is best to be prepared. Own more than one towel. Have at least as many pillows as hookup participants. Facilities need not be expensive or luxurious, but you definitely want your guests to feel comfortable. Perhaps the most important thing on hand? The condom. You definitely need to hide these things. Without it, you would not be indifferent to how to feel better. If you are such a person, do yourself a favor and buy some better ones. If you want to enjoy this kind of secret benefits dating, then make sure condom is the part of it.
Keep things light
Casual hookup such as friends with benefits or relationship with no strings attached, like a delicate mousse, is a very complicated thing, easily destroyed by excessive mixing, and most importantly, it is the best enjoyment when it is light and fluffy. The point is, this is not the time to talk about how you deal with your father's new girlfriend, nor the time when your mother suddenly moved to Barbados. Casual associations may be just for hookup, or a drink or two in a nice bar for some easy talk.
Avoid deeper digging
This applies not only to conversations, but also to activities. Don't choose places that are easy to be misunderstood for dating dinners, watching movies, visiting museums, etc. This is not casual, but serious date. This is a non-exclusive relationship. Or, more likely, one wants more than just a quick flirt hookup. Keep remind yourself why you want the nsa hookup. You are tired of drama, stress and burden from the long-term relationship.